Friday, February 17, 2012

Examining John Piper's "Masculine" Christianity

I read a great article by Christian Piatt this morning via RealCealReligion.  Christian examines a few points John Piper made during his "God, Manhood and Ministry: Building Men for the Body of Christ," and he responds with disagreements. 

Not all cultural shifts are bad ones.  The church should be willing to dicuss and re-examine certain issues, especially the issue of women leadership in the church.  Tradition does not always translate to truth, so try to be open to new ideas and beliefs. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/20/2012

    Several thoughts here....

    An article that references the Hebrew word of a gospel written in Greek should probably be taken with a grain of salt. He makes connections to the definition of a word used that was not even originally used. The original Greek has to be used. This is similar to me going through every translation of English until I find a word I support and connecting it to its other possible meanings. This guy has many logical problems.

    One point that made me understand the problem with Extreme Feminism is the inherent link that their cause has to the homosexual movement. Extreme feminism leads to a destruction of gender roles. Without any definition of gender roles we lead to no need or reason to condemn homosexuality. Gender roles were established by God and do not mean one is superior to another or better. If we reexamine Gender roles we must reexamine homosexuality, which I am not willing to do. Further, think for example how the trinity functions. The Son submits to the Father yet they are equal. Submission, although seen this way in our mindsets, does not mean superiority. Just food for thought. I could go for days on why that article is completely flawed. Simultaneously, I do believe Piper may have gone too far, but I have yet to read his views in full.
